Con todo, teño que dicir que non son persoa de andar con moitas xoias enriba. Demasiado nerviosa para levar aneis e demasiado descoidada para levar pulseiras... Non levo pendentes porque nunca tiven burato nas orellas, e cos pendentes de clip teño o mesmo problema que con aneis e pulseiras. En consecuencia, o que mellor aguanto son os colgantes, digan o que digan as tendencias, que xa sabedes que levamos un par de anos de pescozos libres e parece que aínda nos quedan algúns máis.
Pois aquí vos deixo parte das pezas que de algún xeito máis se acomodaron a min. Querédesme dar a vosa opinión sobre cal preferides? Ou apetécevos ensinar os deseños que fixestes e dos que non vos puidestes desprender? Pois deixádeme un comentario, ou mandádeme un e-mail, e en canto estea de volta miramos de compartilo!
I have already told you that I was going to spend some days in Italy. I am leaving this week, and that means that I am not going to answer your mails or read your comments on this blog. Anyway, I promise I will be back as soon as I can! In the meantime, I would like to share with you a bunch of pics of jewelry pieces (all of them handmade by me), made with very different techniques and materials. They have only one thing in common: are some of the designs I kept for me over the years. I have to admit that I am not a jewelry-type of person: too nervous to wear rings and bracelets... I think I would be able to wear earrings, but I have never got my ears pierced... These are the reasons why you are going to see mostly pendants, although the fashion trends have been going in another direction for the past two years (oh, these naked necks, how sad they Hope you enjoy the pics, and tell us wich one is your favourite! By the way, the pic under these lines is the only piece of jewelry that I am wearing while I write this. I think I would be ashamed, but it feels really comfortable ;) I hope you enjoy the next weeks and that I will find you here around again when I come back!
E para terminar, confésovos cal é a única cousa que levo enriba mentres escribo isto. Vergoña me debía de dar ;). Non sei como me acostumei a andar con esta tiriña de coiro con remaches, pero xa levo uns catro meses con ela, sen a sacar de enriba. Ai, que raras somos as persoas! Espero que pasedes uns días estupendos, e que sigades aí en canto poida voltar!