domingo, 21 de abril de 2013

Azul e rosa: os contrastes - Blue and Pink: the Contrast

Dicía Dickens: "Hai sombras na terra, pero, co contraste, as súas luces fanse máis fortes". Os contrastes, iso que nos permite apreciar tanto mellor as nosas realidades. Nestes pendentes o claro e o escuro, o cóncavo e o convexo, o rosa e o azul... Cobre e perla cultivada. Pátina natural.
Dickens wrote: "There are dark shadows on the earth, but its lights are stronger in the contrast.". Contrast, that's what make us perceive our realities so much better... In these earrings, light and dark,  concave and convex, pink and blue...


lunes, 15 de abril de 2013

Recompoñendo corazóns - Mended Hearts

Conexión en frío: reberetes que unen. E quen non tivo a necesidade de recompoñer un corazón algunha vez? 
Nos pendentes, medio corazón de cobre, medio de prata, reberetes de aluminio.

Cold connection with rivets. Bringing parts together. And who has not ever been in the need to fix a broken heart? In these earrings, half a heart of copper and half of silver, mended with aluminum rivets.

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