Wabi-sabi é o concepto fundamental da estética xaponesa tradicional. Pero é máis que unha estética, é un modo de entender a interacción dos obxectos co entorno e con nós mesmos. En palabras do arquitecto Tadao Ando, "wabi-sabi é a arte xaponesa de atopar beleza na imperfección (...), de aceptar o ciclo natural de crecemento, decaemento e morte. É simple, repousada, non recargada e valora a autenticidade sobre todas as cousas."
Wabi vén da raíz "wa", a harmonía, a simplicidade. É aquilo que é humilde por elección e que permanece en sintonía coa natureza. Sabi significa "o florecemento do tempo" e fai referencia aos procesos naturais de envellecemento, á serenidade que os ciclos do tempo outorgan ás cousas, á beleza do perecedoiro. Daquela, o wabi-sabi coma aproximación estética fala da fermosura das cousas sinxelas, da aceptación da súa imperfección e da súa calidade non pretenciosa e mutable: a sabedoría da simplicidade natural. É unha beleza que Leonard Koren, describe coma "imperfecta, non permanente e incompleta" (Koren, Leonard: Wabi-Sabi for Artists, Designers, Poets and Philosophers, Stone Bridge Press, 1994).
Os pendentes que vos ensino hoxe, de cobre forxado a man e doas de cristal, non comezaron "querendo ser" wabi-sabi...
Fixéronse así no transcurso do traballo. A través de forxas e pátinas
fóronse transformando para quedar cada vez máis espidos, máis netos, con
máis claridade de liñas. E de súpeto, sucedeu algo que ás veces sucede
cando traballas nunha peza: nun momento, percibes que aquilo que tes
entre mans colleu unha esencia de seu. Non sabes como chegou a iso, non
estás seguro de cal das decisións que tomaches entorno a esa peza foi a
que lle conferiu o seu carácter definitivo, pero nun instante aí a está,
enteira, con entidade propia... sen querer de ti xa máis nada. E así me
sucedeu con estes pendentes; para min, perfectos na súa simplicidade,
na súa irregularidade, na súa imperfección. Eles seguirán o seu camiño,
pois a imaxe que hoxe vedes non se volverá repetir: o tempo creará neles
novos matices e transformará o conxunto, igual que mudará a mirada dos
ollos que hoxe os mirades. E por isto todo que vos conto, creo que é abondo axeitado dicer que estes pendentes son moi "wabi-sabi" ;)
Quoting the architect Tadeo Ando, "wabi-sabi is the Japanese art of finding beauty in imperfection (...), of accepting the natural cycle of growth, decay, and death. It's simple, slow, and uncluttered-and it reveres authenticity above all". Wabi-sabi, the most important feature in traditional japanese sense of beauty, is more than an aesthetic approach, is a world view and a way of understanding our relationships with the objects, centered on the acceptance of transience and imperfection. Wabi stems from the root wa, meaning harmony and balance. Sabi means "the bloom of time.", referring to the natural progression of time, decay and gloss extinguishing. Therefore, wabi-sabi connotes the beauty of simplicity, the aceptance of its unpretentious and mutable essence: the wisdom underlying in natural simplicity. As Leonard Koren says, wabi-sabi's beauty is "imperfect, impermanent and incomplete."
These earrings (handforged copper and glass beads) were not wabi-sabi from the beginning. They only turned out that way in the process of creation. They went through multiple transformations, each one leading to a more unpretentious and simple shape. Sometimes, when you are working in a piece, you suddendly realize that the thing you are holding in your hands has acquired an essence of its own. You do not know how it happened, or when, you can not say wich one of the decissions you made is responsible of its deffinite character, but there it is, something completely different from you, that stands by its own means and.. that does not need you anymore. This is what happened to me with these earrings. For me, they are perfect in their simplicity, their irregularity, their imperfection. And they will go on following their own way, as time will make copper evolve colour producing new shades. These are the reasons why I dare calling these earrings "wabi-sabi" ;)
These earrings (handforged copper and glass beads) were not wabi-sabi from the beginning. They only turned out that way in the process of creation. They went through multiple transformations, each one leading to a more unpretentious and simple shape. Sometimes, when you are working in a piece, you suddendly realize that the thing you are holding in your hands has acquired an essence of its own. You do not know how it happened, or when, you can not say wich one of the decissions you made is responsible of its deffinite character, but there it is, something completely different from you, that stands by its own means and.. that does not need you anymore. This is what happened to me with these earrings. For me, they are perfect in their simplicity, their irregularity, their imperfection. And they will go on following their own way, as time will make copper evolve colour producing new shades. These are the reasons why I dare calling these earrings "wabi-sabi" ;)
2 comentarios:
pois son moi bonitos!!! e gustame esa natureza cambiante jejje E as contas vermellas danlle un toque moi interesante :D
Que bellos estos pendiente,..sabes a mi me fascinan los pendientes, y estos lo veo como muy de nuestro clima..!en verdad me gustan muchísimo!..besitos..
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