Volvendo ao tema do "adorno persoal", hoxe tráiovos é o quinto modelo da serie CLÁSICAS. Asegúrovos que son tan favorecedores, que simplemente, estás máis guapa con eles que sen eles! Están realizados en aceiro inoxidable, rocalla negra e doas de vidro das que se empregan no adorno do traxe tradicional. Coma sempre, espero que vos gusten!
It was very pleasant (and I am really grateful) reading yesterday Michele's comment on the last post. I thaught no one was reading my english translations! Well, actually thit is not true, but since it's kinda complicated for me to write in english I told myself no one was interested on it! So, if you forgive my mistakes, I promise I will try, at least, to sum up the posts in english. Thank you all for spending some time here around!
I am having very "crafty" weekends lately. It is Internet's fault: there are too many amazing ideas out there, and I can help out trying some of them! For today I have a project that includes methacrylate, sewing machine, C clamps... I'll show you, if anything comes out of there... Returning to "personal adornment" issues, today I am showing you the fifth earrings of the CLÁSICAS collection, the series of twelve earrings that I have prepared this winter. They are really flattering! They are made of stainless steel, and glass beads. Hope you like it!
2 comentarios:
Super bonito ! Guau........
Son preciosos. Felicidades maestra, para cuando un "tutto"
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