Pero o caso é que me gusta o contacto das teas, e sempre teño algún que outro pequeno proxecto téxtil entre mans, aínda que ás veces durman durante meses. Admito e dou por supostas as moitas críticas aplicables a estas cousiñas, pero non sexades moi duras, para que non me desanime eu, jajajja....
Sewing is definetely not my "thing". I do not master the techniques and do not enjoy particularly the sewing process. I think I have already told you, but again, my grandmother was a seamstress (a very good one indeed), and althought you might think that this could give me some background on sewing issues, it was quite on the contrary, because she was the only one who dealed with sewing at home. However, I love fabrics and, of course, I do love challenges too, and that is why I always I try to carry out some small fabric projects (sometimes they sleep for months). Let me show you some... Some criticism is taken for granted, but please, try not to be too harsh!
Broche en napa
O bolsiño de Rosalía
Bolsiñas para calquera cousa
3 comentarios:
pois a mingustanme moito quedaronche moi ben :D E experimentando e como se aprende :D A primeira igual non sae todo o ben que che gustaria peo as seguintes xa son cen veces mellor!!! moitos animos!! e non deixes de probar
Vamos que eres polifacetica al máximo eh! Y todo lo haces precioso!! Que arte que tienes guapa! ;)
Besitos artista!
Me gusta todo pero mi favorito es el broche de napa, que bonito !....
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