Un deses tesouros que sempre me fascinaron é a pasamanería e os abelorios que se empregan na confección do traxe tradicional galego. Por iso un día me puxen a buscarlle outra aplicación a todos eses metros de marabillosa pasamanería que ela deixou. Esta é a historia detrás das gargantillas e pendentes que vos quería ensinar hoxe.
My grandmother was a seamstress, and a very good one indeed. She was always sorrounded by a plenty of boxes and bags containing what, as I was a child (ok, I admit, not only when I was a child) semmed to me the most amazing collection of surprisingly treasuries: buttons, zippers, ribbons, appliques, clasps... And of course, all kind of fabrics. Unfortunately I did not inherit her mastery of sewing but maybe she thaught me the patience needed for making things with my own hands. One of these treasuries was the trimmings used in the galician tradicional costume. These are very characteristic trimmings, often with jet stone inlays and wonderful designs always in black. Therefore, one day, I decided that maybe they could deserve another use. This is the history behind the choker and earrings that I am showing you today.
4 comentarios:
pero que bonito todo!!! encantame como che quedaron os pendentes e as gargantillas preciosas!!! como me gustan todas as xoias que fas reciclando!!!
Te ha quedado genial!!! ideal para un evento.Los pendientes me ha encantado. besos
Bella mi reina linda esa gargantilla!!, fijate que tanto me ha gustado que ya me la imagino uniéndola a un vestido de noche un vestido corte halter,..es que conozco un poco de alta costura y se vería precioso!!!......besitos en abundancia para ti...
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