In these earrings, completely handmade by me, I have tried to evoque the most classical filigree work. They are really elegant and flattering. I have made them out of stainless steel and nylon pleated copper wire. These materials do not change in colour and therefore require low manteinance in order to keep their shine. I have probably already mentioned that every earring model belonging to this collection is an unique piece of jewelry, and this is specially true with these earrings (omg, it was really a delicate work!). Nowadays I am much more in the mood of doing hard hammer work... We all go through different stages, don't we? I hope you like them and also hope to see you stopping by!
miércoles, 13 de junio de 2012
Pendentes serie CLÁSICAS IX - CLÁSICAS Earrings IX
Pois esta é a novena entrega da serie. Neste caso, trátase duns pendentes que evocan as filigranas máis clásicas. Aínda que me estea mal o dicilo, son verdadeiramente elegantes e favorecedores. Están realizados en aceiro e fío de cobre recuberto de nylon, para que non cambien de cor e non requiran ningunha clase de mantemento. Xa teño contado que os pendentes desta serie son pezas únicas, e dígovos de verdade que non me quixera ver outra vez facendo nestes, que foi unha tarefa moi delicada e que requiría un coidado enorme. Tanto é así, que decidín conservalos para min, e iso que eu non teño buratos nas orellas!! Algún día me decidirei a furalas, supoño... En calquera caso, a vós non vos pasa, que hai como fases nas cousas que a un lle gusta facer? Pois a min nesta época apetéceme máis dar martelazos que facer traballos sutís. Sexa como sexa, espero que os pendentes vos gusten tanto como a min e que sigades pasando por aquí a nos visitar!
In these earrings, completely handmade by me, I have tried to evoque the most classical filigree work. They are really elegant and flattering. I have made them out of stainless steel and nylon pleated copper wire. These materials do not change in colour and therefore require low manteinance in order to keep their shine. I have probably already mentioned that every earring model belonging to this collection is an unique piece of jewelry, and this is specially true with these earrings (omg, it was really a delicate work!). Nowadays I am much more in the mood of doing hard hammer work... We all go through different stages, don't we? I hope you like them and also hope to see you stopping by!
In these earrings, completely handmade by me, I have tried to evoque the most classical filigree work. They are really elegant and flattering. I have made them out of stainless steel and nylon pleated copper wire. These materials do not change in colour and therefore require low manteinance in order to keep their shine. I have probably already mentioned that every earring model belonging to this collection is an unique piece of jewelry, and this is specially true with these earrings (omg, it was really a delicate work!). Nowadays I am much more in the mood of doing hard hammer work... We all go through different stages, don't we? I hope you like them and also hope to see you stopping by!
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2 comentarios:
non me extraña que non os queiras repetir!!! vese que teñen moitisimo traballo e delicado...son preciosos e animote a que fagas os buracos nas orellas que non doe na..pero asegurate que chos fan a mesma altura...ou pasarache coma min e cando poñas pendentes pegados a orella un quedara mirando hacia abaixo jajajja
uauuuuuuuuuuuuuu se me cae la babaaaa! Pero que maravilla de pendientes! eres una artistaza guapa! ;)
Miauuuuubesitos y buen fin de semana! Y te invito a pasar por mi blog que estoy de sorteo ;)
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